Old Testament Survey Laser Pdf Download
New Testament SurveyCompiled by Rev.Tim Gibson Copyright 2002 Gibson Productions(1) Introduction to the New Testament New Testament Old T.The is concealed in the.a. Relationship with Old Testament.Testament is revealed in the. New Testament The Old REPLACINGThe term ‘New’ is used NOT in the sense of FRESHthe OLD but in the sense of being andFULFILLING the OLD.b.
Divine Preparation for the New Testament 1. Preparation through the Jewish Nation. Preparation through the Greek language.3. Preparation through the Romans.c.
Overview of Events in N.Td. An Overview as to Focus The Gospels: Manifestation: HISTORICAL Story of the Of MESSIAH SAVIOUR and KINGDOM Acts: The Acts of MESSAGE of the HOLY SPIRIT.
LETTERS on WORK of EPISTOLARY Kingdom LIVING Christ. WALK of Christians APOCALYPSE of RETURN of Jesus.
ETERNAL PROPHETICe. New Testament as Scripture Authorship and authority AUTHENTICATION Jesus’ pre- of apostolic writing- John 14:26; 16:13INSPIRATION Apostles’ awareness of the of their own writing - 1 Cor.14:37,28 OTHER Apostles’ awareness of the inspiration of apostles’ writing - 2 Peter 3:16 CHURCH FATHERS Early attestation by “ ' (the ‘canon’)MATTHEWMARKLUKEJOHN(2) The Historical Books.
KINGSERVANTMANGODThe Gospels: Acts 1:1-3 gives reason for the Gospels – That is TO SHOW THE LIFE AND WORKLIONOX CHRIST. MAN OF JESUSEAGLESYNOPTIC The Gospels = Matthew, Mark,LukeTOQJEWS ROMANS GENTILES CHRISTIAN Theory = Matthew, Luke taken from common text (commonly believed to be Mark).PASTOR/APOSTLEEVANGELIST PROPHETTEACHER CHOLERICSANGUINEMELANCHOLY PHLEGMATICAn overview of Jesus’ ministry Jesus’ ministry is punctuated by two events:BAPTISM (identification with humanity) and CRUCIFIXION/RESURRECTION (resolving human dilemma)OBSCURITY Early Judean Ministry: Year of. POPULARITY(Luke 10:1) Galilean Ministry: Year of REJECTION Perean Ministry: Period of.The Teaching of Jesus Jesus' identity Other teachings AM (Exodus 3:14; John 8-10, 14) – Jn 1. 'I ' Jesus’ Sermons (on the Mount) 8:12,48-59; 8:12; 10:7,9; 14:6Jesus’ Parables with God (Jn. 17:5,8) Olivet Discourse DIVINE 3.
Claims prerogatives ( to forgive Upper Room Discourse sins (Luke 5:20) and granter of eternal life (Jn. 17:2; 14:6) DAVIDIC 4. Unique Son (Luke 20:41-44; cf Ps. Book of Acts - The Early Christian Community Overview of Acts The birth of the church (ch. 1,2) Paul Stephen, and the Philip spread and the of Christianity spread of Christianity to 1. Spread of Christianity in fulfillment ofthe the outside Gentiles of Jerusalem GREAT COMMISSION PENTECOST 1. (2:1-36) (Ac.base 1:82= Jerusalem; 6:7= Judea;shifted 9:3= (9:1The Paul's CONVERSION for the Christian and movement COMMISSION from The Jerusalem church (2:41-6:15) Samaria; JERUSALEM 31): Door to12:24=Gentiles).
Old Testament Study Guide Pdf
The Gentiles opened to Antioch. It is from Antioch that GROWTH 1. Period of the Roman world would be reached for Christ. Vindication of Christianity as rooted in legal 1. Paul’s commission (9:15) Judaism. Resistance mounts (3:1-4:31) 2.
Peter's ministry to the Gentiles (9:32-10:18) 3. Emphasis Introduction Paul and the the 3. Onofcommunity life mission (2:41-47;to4:31Gentiles. 5:16)Paul's first missionary journey (13:1-15:35) ANTIOCH (13:1-3). Sent out by the church at 2. Cyprus (13:4-12) 3.
Asia Minor (13:13-4:28) Strategy: Urban centers, Synagogues, Paul's central message(13:16-42), to 'God fearers' (13:43), established the church in short time – appoint elders.James wrote his letter to Christian Jews (and Jerusalem council ultimately (15:1-35) all Christians) to emphasize their need to 1. Question: What is thekeep relationship the Law of in faith.
THE MOSAIC LAW Christianity to? Paul wrote Galatians to a. Position of the Judaizers (15:1,5). Show man is saved by faith Galatians written in Jesus Christ alone, not by from Antioch AD49 to South Galatians works (keeping the Law). Before Paul went toof Peter (15:7-12).
B.Testimony James, brother of Jerusalem Council.Jesus, wrote his letter c.AD45 – Mathew Mark c. Findings summarized by or James(15:13written earliest 29) (c.AD40)Second Missionary Journey HOLINESS First Thessalonians: in light of Christ’s (Acts 15:36-18:22) return.DAY OF BARNABAS A parting of the ways between Second Thessalonians: Understanding the. THE LORD and Paul Asia Minor and GreeceAPOSTOLIC Both First and 1. The band Second POLARIZATION (Ac. 17:1-9; 18:12-18) 2.
Growing Thessalonians were by Ac. In From Thessalonica written to Athensc.AD.51 from Corinth. Paul at Corinth (Acts 18:1-17)Romans written by Paul from Corinth c.AD57First Corinthians: Correction of Third Missionary Journey CARNAL living in Church life. (Acts 18:23-21-14) Second Corinthians: Paul’s defense of theMINISTRY. RIGHTEOUSNESS Romans: The of GodSecond Corinthians written probably from Phillipi by Paul in c.AD56.First Corinthians written from Ephesus c.AD56.1.
Ephesians and wrote Colossians – Twin letters – very similar with Luke probably his Gospel in c.AD60 as Paul slightly different emphasis was imprisoned and then he wrote the book of ActsPaul's trek to Rome (Acts in AD.62 –– recounting the event up(theology until the of Ephesians Building theBODY of Christ andend practical) Freedom 20:2-28:31) Paul’s first imprisonment. HEAD Colossians – Christ the of the Church. First Timothy written 1st Gospel Imprisonment Macedonia to The of Mark mayfrom have been written at same Timothy in the Ephesus. Time as Luke (unless you believe Q theory) FORGIVENESS Paul wrote the 2.
Philemon: from slavery (personal letter ‘Prison Epistles’ Titus was written to Philemon about Onesimus) Peter(Ephesians, wrote his two epistles by c.AD64 Paul fromprobably when PaulColossians, was in Spain. Corinth before his Philippians To and trip to Spain (AD63) of Jesus in CHRIST 3. Philippians: Live is (centrality Philemon) Christian life) from Second Imprisonment Prison in Rome. First Timothy: LEADERSHIP manualSecond for Church organization. Timothy was letter of Paul before ENDURANCE last Second Timothy: in the Pastoral ministry. He was executed.
CONDUCT manual for Church living. Titus: (3) The Epistles Content ofAMENUENSIS the letters can be divided Use of an (secretary) into two basic areas. Style of letters OCCASIONAL 1. themes. Most ofTHEOLOGICAL Paul's letters were “.“ (That is they were written for a particular occasion/ happening).
The form is typically (i) Greeting, which includes the PRACTICAL 2. issues facing name of the author, credentials, blessings, name of the church. Recipient; (ii) Body, which was typically responses toproblems; (iii) Conclusion, which gave greetings for others in the apostolic band.Comments on Hebrews and the General Epistles OLD A. This is a theology of the Testament in the light of the person and ministry of Christ. JEWISH audience. To a primarily provides practical instruction on godly living.PERSECUTION C.
Old Testament Survey Laser Pdf Download 2017
1 and 2 Peter. To Churches under. Practical instruction on unity during opposition. Explains the role of Satan in their persecution. 1,2,3 John and Jude. Written primarily to a church. The doctrine of Christ's humanity are taught and the call to moral purity and love are emphasized.(4) Prophetic Books Revelation – Written by John (AD 90s) Is actually the revelation of Jesus Christ in Church History through to eternity.Summary of Major Themes in the New Testament A.
Cyclical.JUDGEMENT Linear: Accountability and ultimate.SYMPHONY Cyclical: Biblical history is like a. THE KINGDOM 2. Time follows expansion of of God (through evangelism /and missions). Parousia - everything hinges around Christ’sSECOND COMING.B. The Messiah 1. Prophetic fulfillment, yet in a MYSTERY (1 Cor. 16:25,26; 1 Pet.1:10-12: Mt.
13:11-17).THE SACRIFICIAL 2. system and the cross.C. Grace 1.1.Polemic(hostile) againstLEGALISTIC self-righteousness.2. God's acceptance is extended toALL.D. New Community of God 1. New Covenant and the work of the HOLY SPIRIT.2. Neither JEW norGREEK.
of heaven.AMBASSADORS 4.
INTRODUCTIONWhen we take a long journey, it often helps to get detailed, reliable instructions from someone who knows the way. Yes, knowing the general direction to go can be very helpful; and it's always good to have a broad overview. But we often face complex situations along the way where we need to take just the right turn at just the right time. So, it helps to have detailed directions as well.Well, something like this is true for followers of Christ. We are on one of the greatest journeys imaginable, and it is a journey that will end with the coming of God's kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. Now it's good to have this ultimate destiny in mind; it helps to know the big picture. But traveling this Christian road can be so complex at times that we need more than broad concepts and general principles; we also need authoritative, detailed instructions.
And God has given us these kinds of directions in the canon of the Old Testament.This is the fourth lesson in our survey of the Old Testament called Kingdom, Covenants and Canon of the Old Testament. In earlier lessons, we have seen that the Old Testament is a book about God's kingdom and that God administers his kingdom through covenants. But we have entitled this lesson 'The Old Testament Canon.' The Old Testament is our 'canon,' an older word meaning our 'standard' or 'measure', and this canon provides God's people with authoritative, detailed instructions as they live in covenant with God and seek his kingdom.In this lesson, we will explore how the Old Testament canon presents rather specific guidance and how we may find it.