Ultimate Jazz Fake Book Eb Pdf To Excel

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This is a list of fake books that you can download on the Internet.Bill Evans Fake Book pdf 106pThe Book (in C) (502 Jazz Standards?) pdf 514pBrazilian Jazz Real Book pdf 275pThe Colorado Cookbook pdf 292pThe Country Music Fake Book pdf 55pCuban Fake Book Volume No.

Re: Harp-L Harlem Nocturne - fakebook search Re: Harp-L Harlem Nocturne - fakebook search. To:,. Subject: Re: Harp-L Harlem Nocturne - fakebook search. From: 'Vern Smith'. Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 09:46:06 -0700. Cc:. References: Phil has informed us about fakebooks and how to use them with electronicchromatic tuners to make tab charts.

As an extension of that information, Ioffer the following:I saw in these posts a challenge: Can one devise a table that can be usedby a person who does not read music to convert standard musical notation totab? By 'does not read music' I mean, 'does not know the letter names ofthe notes on the treble staff or on the harmonica.'

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I have devised such a table of 98 rows and 12 columns that covers 4 octaves.One enters on the left with line or space numbers on the treble staff. Thecolumns on the right give hole number, blow/draw, and bend or slide-push. Itworks for diatonics and chromatics of any key. It will be tedious for thosewho must count the lines and spaces.


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Ultimate jazz fake book eb pdf to excel file

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It will be much less tedious for thosewho know the (easy to learn) letter names of the lines and spaces of thetreble staff.It works without modification for harmonicas in C. To accommodate harps ofother keys, one cuts the table into two parts and shifts the right part upor down slide-rule style. If the user has Excel and knows the copy / pastecommands, he can manipulate the table on the screen of his computer. Ifnot, he can print out an Adobe.pdf version and physically cut, paste, andshift pieces of paper. For accomplished masters of Excel, you might evenautomate the shifting and the table lookups. Since the spreadsheet is like'open code', you are free to make additions and improvements and to sharethem with us.Because these relationships are well known to musicians, I may havere-invented the wheel.

I think that there are musical programs that acceptstandard notation and produce tab. However, I claim that the table willgive the user some insight.If you are interested, let me know off-list and I will email both the Exceland Adobe versions with instructions to you. Please place 'Tab Table' onthe subject line. It is free but I would like to have your comments andopinions.VernVisit my harmonica website www.Hands-Free-Chromatic.7p.com- Original Message -From: To: Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 12:08 PMSubject: Re: Harp-L Harlem Nocturne - fakebook searchSomebody asked recently about harmonica tab for Harlem Nocturne. I don'thaveone but I can tell you how you can make your own with the aid of afakebook.A fakebook is simply the cheapest legal way to get the largest collectionoftunes. It has a one-note melody line, chord names and lyrics.For example, The Ultimate Fakebook (1200 tunes, 3rd edition) is $45 (themini-size version $35). Look for the edition for 'keyboard, vocal, guitar,all Cinstruments' but the music is not limited to the key of C.