Bluesoleil Windows Vista Driver

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Bluesoleil Windows Vista Driver Rating: 3,7/5 7268 reviews

Common Problems:Windows 2000:. Right-click on the “Prolific USB to Serial Port”, then click Properties. Now click on “Port Settings”. Then click the “Advanced” button. Always uncheck “Use automatic settings”.


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Now select “Input/Output range”. Click on the “Change Settings” option.

Type “02E8-02EF” in the Value box. This value will change the port to COM 4.If COM 4 is in use, you must choose another port. The values for each port are. COM 1: 03F8-03FF.

How to install office installer mpkg. Open the downloads folder from the dock, and double-click the OfficeMacHB1PK2011.dmg file to start the installation. Double-click the Office Installer icon. Follow the prompts, and click Agree to accept the terms of the software license agreement. Click Install to continue the installation.

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COM 2: 02F8-02FF. COM 3: 03E8-03EF. COM 4: 02E8-02EFEnter the value, then click OK. Click OK again, then click Yes when the “Creating a Forced Configuration” window appears.

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Windows Generic:If you are having problems then check if you have installed the driver correctly. This is done by doing the following on your computer to check the installation. If the USB driver has been properly installed, “ USB Serial Port” or “Prolific USB-to-Serial COM Port” will be displayed.Windows Vista: Start Control Panel System Hardware Device Manager.